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traffiX + logistiX Innovation Forum 2019

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traffiX + logistiX Innovation Forum 2019

The traffiX + logistiX Innovation Forum 2019 is an important platform for all those involved in the transport and logistics eco-system.

Ways out of the Innovation trap

Every day every one of us feels the need for change in transport and logistics. The streets are clogged with vehicles, it’s loud and the air is polluted. We lose valuable time, the costs for urban mobility as well as for the transport of goods are too high, stress us and the environment in which we live.

At the same time, we are seeing new opportunities for mobility that are much closer to our needs. In particular, startups around the world set the pace for these innovations. They operate largely free from the constraints of established industries and must not care about legacy. Nevertheless, they often remain stuck in established regulations and the interests of the ‘old‘ industry player.

The issues we want to discuss together are:

• Unleash and accelerate innovation – how can disruptive solutions be tested? How can they be secured? And how can we create smart rules for doing so?
• Overcoming hurdles – Where do cooperation and platforms help?
• New Technologies – How do we get from PoC and MVP to Standards and Scaling?
• New Business Models – What’s coming soon? What’s coming next?
• Benchmark – How can we benefit from the competition with China?

Organized by Munich Network e.V.:

Munich Network links different groups in the innovation ecosystem by connecting parties in search of innovation with parties that offer groundbreaking solutions and parties who enhance innovation.

Hier findet Ihr mehr Informationen zu der Veranstaltung.


22. Mai 2019


Munich Network e.V.
Zur Website


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