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Startup Weekend Munich - Social Innovation

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Startup Weekend Munich – Social Innovation

What is Startup Weekend?

Have you ever seen a new product, app, or business and thought to yourself, „that was my idea a few years ago“? If you have, that means you did not have a process for taking that idea from concept to creation. Startup Weekend is your chance to learn how to put your idea into action within a matter of days!

Whether you are looking to…

  • get introduced to the world of startups and entrepreneurship
  • learn the process for going from concept to creation
  • meet experienced, talented, and passionate entrepreneurs in Munich
  • join or build an all-star team
  • make meaningful connections and become part of a global community
  • learn and practice new skills to take back to your job or beef up your resume

Who is Startup Weekend for?

It doesn’t matter what you do or where you come from, Startup Weekend is designed as an inclusive event and program that brings all sorts of people together including…

  • aspiring & experienced entrepreneurs
  • developers and other tech-related professionals
  • designers of all types
  • non-technical talent (i.e. business, sales, finance, legal, etc.)
  • students from universities and even high schools
  • professionals looking to switch careers or build new skills
  • and passionate visionaries

What’s the twist?

The Startup Weekend Social Innovation edition means you will be focusing on solving problems and creating opportunities for civic engagement, equal opportunity, economic development, environmental responsibility, and access to healthcare and education – but you are not limited to these topics. Whether you have an idea to improve your local community or global ones, the ultimate objective of this event is to empower you – in the words of Mahatma Gandhi – to be the change you wish to see in the world!

Hier findet Ihr mehr Informationen zu der Veranstaltung.


3. Mai 2019 : 17:00 Uhr
5. Mai 2019 : 21:00 Uhr


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