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Oerlikon Digital Hub Hackathon

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Oerlikon Digital Hub Hackathon

Are you a creator, maker and innovator? Join our Hackathon and design digital tools for industrial processes.

Make the processes in industry more sustainable and safe – reduce material waste and energy consumption. Meet our domain experts and gather deep insights into processes in additive manufacturing, manmade fibers and surface coating.

Employ leading edge technology such as Computer Vision, IoT and Data Science to solve real world problems in industrial production environment.
Demonstrate your ideas and build innovative digital and physical prototypes.

Win prizes with a total value of 10.000 Euro.

Innovators, Makers, Designers and Creators that are skilled in Tech like Data Science, IoT Architecture, UX/UI Design, Software Development, Electrical-, Mechanical- and Process Engineering:
Join our Hackathon and bring motivation! Have fun on industrial prototyping.

Shuttles starting from Munich, Ostbahnhof are available!

Hier findet Ihr mehr Informationen zu der Veranstaltung.


8. November 2019 : 17:00 Uhr
10. November 2019 : 17:00 Uhr


Zur Website


Oerlikon Digital Hub Feldkirchen, Kapellenstraße 12, 85622 München (Feldkirchen) Google Karte anzeigen