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Disrupt Meetup: Artificial Intelligence - From Autonomous Driving to Chatbots
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Disrupt Meetup: Artificial Intelligence – From Autonomous Driving to Chatbots

Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved leaps and bounds to a point where AI based applications are widespread across all industries such as technology, automotive, banking, marketing, and entertainment while simultaneously providing tremendous opportunities for businesses to increase operational efficiencies, improve corporate strategies and reduce costs, among countless other possible uses. This meetup will be discussing two leading AI based solutions in two different industries – Autonomous Driving for Automotive Enterprises and Chatbots for Digital Companies.

Join the first Disrupt Meetup of the Data Science and AI community in Munich. It aims at bringing together blockchain enthusiastic enterprises and individuals that want to get to know the technology, as well as understand how it can be used and applied.


18:30h – 19:00h: Entrance
19:00h – 19:10h: Introduction
19:10h – 19:25h: LiDAR, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
19:25h – 19:35h: Discussion and Q&A
19:35h – 19:50h: Break to Network
19:50h – 20:05h: How Artificial Intelligence is Making Chatbots Better for Businesses
20:05h – 20:15h: Discussion and Q&A
20:15h – 21:30h: Get together and Networking


6. Juni 2019
18:30 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr


EIGHTYDOTS, Münchner Freiheit 2, 80802 München Google Karte anzeigen