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CROSS-INDUSTRY AI HACK powered by BMW & Siemens

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CROSS-INDUSTRY AI HACK powered by BMW & Siemens

Tackle AI challenges that shape our future

Explore the world of Artificial Intelligence within two global industry leaders.

How long will it really take until some AI technologies become the norm? While AI will be part of every industry, will you be part of this journey now? Join the Siemens AI Lab and BMW to set state-of-the-art approaches, accelerate AI projects, lift future business potentials and bring your expertise to the table.

This is your opportunity to join forces with Siemens & BMW data scientists, get valuable insights into exclusive data and explore untapped potentials.

So, pack your brain, your AI spirit and laptop, come to our AI Lab and start hacking.

Apply until June 18th!


12. Juli 2018 : 18:00 Uhr
14. Juli 2018 : 18:00 Uhr


Siemens AI Lab @ Mindspace, Viktualienmarkt 8, München Google Karte anzeigen