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Bayerische Gründungstage - BioM-Infoday: Lunch & Learn - How we support your biotech idea.

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Bayerische Gründungstage – BioM-Infoday: Lunch & Learn – How we support your biotech idea.

Are you thinking about realizing your biotech idea? But you don’t know where to start and to get initial information to launch your own life sciences and health tech start-up?

Then be invited to BioM’s info day on the occasion of the “Bayerische Gründungstage”: “Lunch & Learn: How we support your biotech idea.”

Over an informal, casual lunch snack, we’ll introduce you to our programs for future founders intended to support you on your path to starting your own business. Whether you need initial help or are looking for investors or a mentor to accompany you on your first steps. BioM will show you the possibilities. The event addresses senior students and young researchers in biotechnology, health technology and life sciences flirting with commercializing their biotechnology ideas and setting up their own business one day.

While you enjoy your lunch snack, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to the talk of the successful founder Dr. Patrick Großmann of Invitris about his journey to entrepreneurship, giving you insights into the challenges he faced.

BioM’s info day is part of the “Bayerische Gründungstage” – an event initiative of the Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie to foster translation of research to market. For 25 years BioM has been guiding young scientists like you on their way to their own start-up.

Register now for free, come by, have a snack and find out more!


25. Mai 2023
11:30 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr


BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH, Am Klopferspitz 19a, 82152 Martinsried Google Karte anzeigen