Munich New Space Summit 2024


Munich New Space Summit 2024

Die Erforschung des Weltraums stellt seit jeher eine Quelle der Faszination und des Staunens für die Menschheit dar. Doch mit…

Sustainability X Technology: Transforming Aviation and Space, Empowering Sustainability


Sustainability X Technology: Transforming Aviation and Space, Empowering Sustainability

We are pleased to invite you to a full-day event hosted by TUM Venture Labs, dedicated to the theme of…

"Space for International Development & Humanitarian Aid" Hackathon


„Space for International Development & Humanitarian Aid“ Hackathon

The „Space for International Development & Humanitarian Aid“ Hackathon is part of the Cassini series, a grand EU initiative with…

Space Night by SpaceFounders & Spacebrewery


Space Night by SpaceFounders & Spacebrewery

Get to know batch #4 of SpaceFounders & connect with the local space ecosystem! After successfully running three batches of…