
Artificial Intelligence meetup – SDA, TEG, Burda & Microsoft

All you need to know about AI & chatbots Our friends from IBM and Microsoft are going to give a…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout at Medieval Christmas Market

As Christmas is approaching, Silicon Drinkabout is inviting you to join them for a merry tour in a Medieval Christmas…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout at Stylight

This week Silicon Drinkabout is back at Stylight! It’s the #1 tech meetup organizer in Munich and we are happy…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout at octimine

This week Silicon Drinkabout invites you to join them at Octimine. Their gorgeous office is close to Rosenheimer Platz and…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout at ProGlove

This week Silicon Drinkabout has a special treat for those of you interested in industrial innovations and smart design. It…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout @Earlybird

Silicon Drinkabout is happy to invite you at Earlybird, one of the most successful venture capital firms in Europe. Earlybird…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout @Kongress Bar

Before Silicon Drinkabout continues its tour through the startups of Munich, we thought we give it a smooth bar event…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout @ABC Accelerator

You have a great opportunity to get to know Acceleration Business City this week! Silicon Drinkabout is hosted at ABC,…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout @Freeletics

Silicon Drinkabout is proud to announce that on August 19th the meetup will be hosted by one of the most…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout @Biergarten Seehaus

We expect a nice and sunny 28° on Friday, so we thought let’s not sit inside but move the event…