Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout x Solving the mystery of knowledge with AI

This SDA is special. We are collaborating with the „Solving the mystery of knowledge with AI“ event at Wayra. The…

Silicon Drinkabout x Retail Tech Hub [Summer Party Edition]


Silicon Drinkabout x Retail Tech Hub [Summer Party Edition]

We will start at 7 pm with some relaxing beats and cool drinks that are sponsored thanks to Retail Tech…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout x smartvillage

This Friday we will meet at the awesome smartvillage which is your workshop, coworking and office space in Munich. Join…

Media Lab Bayern


Silicon Drinkabout x Media Lab Bayern

If you are interested in media startups, then this week you have a perfect chance to get to know about…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout X 404 page not found

This week SDA is meeting at our favorite 404 page not found. Come meet us for a relaxing Friday evening,…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout X 404 page not found

We would like to invite you to a cosy Friday evening at 404 page not found – where you can…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout x EcoG x DAHO.AM

This week, let’s hang with with EcoG and take a peek at DAHO.AM – The Pure Tech Conference, where you…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout x LEAD

Für Newcomer: Silicon Drinkabout ist eine Startup-Community für Tech-Freaks, Startup-Fans und Digital-Helden. Auch in München gibt es die regelmäßigen Events…


Silicon Drinkabout x Mindspace

Hi Folks, this week we meet at Mindspace (Viktualienmarkt)! Mindspace is a rapidly-growing global provider of inspiring co-working spaces for…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout x Wayra

This Friday. It’s about you, about us, about celebrating the Munich family. We are going to meet at Wayra, the…