
Munich CITY.AI

Munich city.ai meetups are quarterly, 3 hour events for Artificial Intelligence practitioners focusing on lessons learned applying AI. Each gathering…


Munich Tech Kickoff

We will gather for our first meetup and have two guests speakers giving a talk – more on this very…


15th Hardware Meetup: BatchOne Launch Party

Munich Hardware Startups is finally back! The reason why the Meetup was on hold is that we were working on…


FitTech Meetup: Fitness Startup Talks #1

The first #fittech meetup takes place at the Burda Bootcamp – two sports & fitness startups will share their experience.…


#TipsTuesdays: Erfolg ist die richtige Einstellung!

Das monatliche Meetup steht wieder vor der Tür! Diesmal geht es darum wie wir das Maximum aus uns herausholen! Als…


Beer & Tech Meetup

Welcome to the very first Futurice Munich Beer & Tech meetup! In the first event, we will present some modern…


DLD meetup @ Burda Bootcamp

Good news – just before the famous DLD conference, on Sunday, January 15, we are hosting a meetup with DLD…



Zwei Jahre 12min.me: Im Gespräch mit Hannah Klose

Das Eventformat 12min.me feiert am Donnerstag seinen 2. Geburtstag. Grund genug, uns mit Hannah Klose, die die Veranstaltungsreihe in München leitet,…


POST /bank/meetup/munich­

Wie sieht die digitale Zukunft des Banking aus? Und welche Rolle spielen Themen wie Retail und Smart Data? Diese und…

Silicon Drinkabout


Silicon Drinkabout @FriendsFactory

The next Silicon Drinkabout meetup will take place at Friendsfactory! Snacks and drinks are sponsored. The Friendsfactory is a workspace…