Versatile Biology Lab
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 5. September 2022

At Versatile Biology Lab, we offer sample measurement services to companies and single persons given there are kits to detect your molecules of interest and the readout can be done with a plate reader.

We work with all types of samples, incl. blood, plasma, serum, urea, saliva and cell suspensions. We believe that sample measurements should be accessible to everyone interested even with no pointing by a doctor.

Versatile Biology Lab was founded in October 2022 and is led by Dr. Inna Zaimenko, a PhD graduate in Molecular Biology with experience in assay and project development and customer service.

The Versatile is located in Munich, Germany and delivers service to customers worldwide. The international packages with samples are accepted. You may send us your kits or we buy them. Any type of molecules can be measured, given there are kits available to detect them and the readout is with a plate reader.

ELISA, fluorescence, luminescence, any absorbance assay – are the types we work with. We promise fast turnaround time. The results of measurements you receive digitally as soon as they are ready.











Versatile Biology Lab
Feringastr. 6
85774 Unterföhring

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