Nokia Digital Creativity Lab (DCL)
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Dezember 2017

The Nokia Digital Creativity Lab (DCL) is a configurable space for innovation-creating activities in the form of workshops, hackathons, or other collaborative events. It is a joint effort between different units within Nokia in Munich (Global Operations, Bell Labs, Global Services, and Mobile Networks), and comprises of a powerful cloud data center, research laboratory and exploration area.

The DCL is:
• an exploration area for co-creating with leading ecosystem partners
• a research laboratory work space for Bell Labs and its academic partners
• a creative space that inspires where employees can contribute and drive the innovation renewal in Nokia

The DCL is located on Nokia Munich site, in building 41, Werinherstrasse 91, 81541 München






Nokia Digital Creativity Lab (DCL)
Werinherstraße 91
81373 München

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