Holo-Light GmbH
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 17. Juli 2019

Founded in 2015, Holo-Light specializes in immersive software and technologies for the enterprise market. With ISAR (Interactive Streaming for Augmented Reality), the company has developed a unique remote rendering software component to stream entire big data AR/VR applications in real time. Holo-Light also provides ARES Pro, a powerful XR software, enabling engineers to work and collaborate on 3D CAD data.

In augmented and virtual reality, the company sees big drivers for the digital transformation across different industries. The cross-platform ISAR SDK allows users to stream their XR applications via powerful local servers or with unlimited cloud resources. ISAR is easy to integrate into third party apps and already empowers Holo-Light´s in-house AR Engineering Software ARES Pro. Due to powerful performance and high security engineers can collaboratively visualize and edit their data-intensive 3D CAD models as holograms regardless of location.






Holo-Light GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Ring 19
85737 Ismaning

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