Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 21. März 2018

Hicrypto provides the 1st personal crypto investment assistant. It deeply analyzes your crypto financials with AI driven algorithms, in order to help you to invest smarter and in alignment to your preferences and goals. Users will get continuous insights about possibilities to reduce risks, increase profits and projects that match their interests.

The system is based on automated coin tracking, user driven coin analyses and benchmarking your portfolio to market developments and other hicrypto users. Users of the eco-system will be able to earn hi-tokens by contributing high quality coin analyses to the network. The higher the analysis will be voted from other users, the more tokens users will earn. Hicrypto will not only detect coins and tokens which would match to the users preferences but also solutions such as crypto based funds and tokenized assets.






Lothstraße 21
80797 Munich

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