Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 7. August 2017

At gridX we make the world independent of large power plants. Therefore, we are building the first digital energy hub that connects decentralized renewable energy producers – such as combined photovoltaic and battery storage systems – with energy consumers. Producers can distribute overcapacity via the energy hub and receive energy if their production is low. People without own production units can even satisfy their entire energy demand through the gridX energy hub.
Furthermore, our platform changes the way energy is used and experienced. It allows you to track your current energy production and consumption, benchmark it with others, and shrink your energy costs through our intelligent energy management system. In fact, we are the only energy supplier which wants you to reduce your energy usage. Join our highly dedicated team of engineers, programmers and designers on the mission to lift the world to the next energy age!






gridX GmbH
Erika-Mann-Str. 63
80636 München

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