Fineway GmbH
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. September 2016

Fineway, enables travellers to plan truly memorable trips easily and most importantly quickly. To put together those once-in-a-lifetime holidays would normally require weeks of detailed research and careful preparation. The free service offered by Fineway uses self-learning algorithms, which analyse users‘ ‚travel DNA‘, and then creates unique offers from millions of travel components in real time. This significantly shortens the duration of travel planning – from several weeks of research down to just a few minutes.

Fineway was founded in 2015 by Markus Bohl and Markus Feigelbinder as a Travel Tech Startup based in Munich. Today, it is the technologically leading platform for individual long-distance and round trips. The company has over 70 employees, including artificial intelligence and data engineering experts. The startup is financed with a total of more than 20 million euros. In addition to renowned family offices, current investors include Axel Springer, Bayern Kapital and MairDumont Ventures.










Fineway GmbH
Lindwurmstr. 76
80337 München

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