Alyne GmbH
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 14. Oktober 2021

What makes Alyne unique?
Alyne is a full-suite GRC platform for governance, risk, compliance, ESG and cyber; designed to deliver data-driven insights, powered by AI technology, to dynamic organizations of all sizes. Alyne helps teams understand laws and intuitively identify risks in real-time, increase transparency and compliance efficiency, and collaborate more effectively across their enterprise and third parties. Leverage ready-to-go controls and assessment templates, automatic risk identification and qualification, and meaningful risk quantification method to save on costs, and increase time to value.

Effectively manage risk and reduce risk exposure
Mitratech’s Alyne platform helps CISOs, Chief Risk Officers, Data Protection Officers and other decision-makers understand and confidently implement compliance requirements, thoroughly assess risk, obtain detailed risk analytics and reporting, and make risk-aware decisions for their organization – helping to effectively manage risk and reduce risk exposure.







Alyne GmbH
Ganghoferstr. 70a
80339 München

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