AIM Advanced Identification Methods GmbH
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Oktober 2018

We are a startup from the scientific field. Following ten years of scientific work in the Barcoding project of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology in Munich, we now offer end-to-end services in the areas of genetic analysis and species identification as well as Biomonitoring 2.0. For that, any customer, also from nonscientific fields, can use our services without specific knowledge and will be able to easily interpret the results provided.

We have gained professional experience in barcoding at the ZSM, as well as in the world-wide project BOLD, with headquarters in Guelph, Canada. We now employ this expertise in the identification of samples for agencies, universities, and private organizations.






AIM Advanced Identification Methods GmbH
Zenettistr. 37 RGB
80337 München

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