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FACE Munich: Because I’m worth it… or not?
FACE Entrepreneurship

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FACE Munich: Because I’m worth it… or not?

Thinking about starting up? Already into it?

We challenge you to FACE your fears. REGISTER NOW!

You will meet leading experts in ICT and entrepreneurship who will share their stories and experiences to help you to overcome your fears.

‚FACE Munich: Because I’m worth it… or not?‘ will address the pressure entrepreneurs put on themselves to lead their projects.  Many entrepreneurs we’ve spoken to agree that one of their biggest concerns is that they lack the necessary knowledge or experience to manage a startup and turn it into a reality.  That’s the idea surrounding ‚FACE Munich‘, where experienced European entrepreneurs will discuss self-perception fears and how to overcome them.

Come join us for a relaxed talk and workshop from an expert panel, hear what they have to say about their experiences about facing the unknown future of entrepreneurship: their fears, doubts, failures, advice and success; ask them questions, talk with them face to face, network with others like you and start your journey to entrepreneurship!

It’s worth it!


Elizabete Dikmane

Co-founder of KikLearn 

Elizabete Dikmane is an 18 year old Secondary School student from Riga, Latvia and is currently developing three startups.  She points out that her school requires 11-graders to start their own companies, and that’s where her entrepreneurial jounery began.  Recently she was recognized as one of the highest scorers at TechCrunch hackathon in London, where she and her teammate managed to build Kiklearn in less than 24 hours.  Kiklearn is a platform that aims to disrupt the traditional university system by decreasing the duration of tech studies down to one year.  She graduated from The Leadership Academy and is currently in her last year at Secondary School, but apart from that has yet to earn a degree or have any professional training.  That hasn’t stopped her from founding advanced tech projects, such as an artificial intelligence web platform or a personal safety bracelet- “emergency button.”  In her own words, “don’t ever let someone make you question your abilities and even if it seems hopeless, just take an attempt.”


Jose Antonio Morales

Founder of Fear & Fail Events

For the past 20+ years Jose has been working with corporate teams, SMEs and young entrepreneurs by always bringing new perspectives, challenging the status quo and sparking innovation.  He has co-founded one of the first international Web communities in Latin America, Exchange Latino, in partnership with Microsoft Peru.  He founded the 5th Internet Service Provider in Peru and was recognised by Microsoft Corp as one of the 18 Global Partner Area Leads. The US Patent and Trademark office granted he his first invention and today he is founder of multiple initiatives such as Fear & Fail, Aurora Co-working, Lincoln Island, New Year Canvas and soon to come The Glue.

Jose will be leading the Fear & Fail workshop at FACE Munich, a space where attendees will be given the opportunity to interact in a fun and warm environment around the topic of fear, success, the path of the entrepreneur, and challenging self-imposed limitations.


Freya Oehle

Founder of Spottster

Freya Oehle did her B.Sc. in International Business Administration at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Koblenz, Germany and the Rotterdam School of Management. During that time, she gained first hand experience in the field of investment banking at Lampe Corporate Finance (Frankfurt, Germany), mechanical engineering (DMG Nippon, Yokohama, Japan) and shipping (Hamburg Süd, Barcelona, Spain). She started her consecutive master degree right away, specializing in Finance & Accounting at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and Kellogg School of Management (USA, Chicago) while gaining experiences in management consulting with McKinsey in Germany. After graduating, however, she turned down all entry positions in consultancy and investment banking to found her own startup Spottster together with a former class mate. Spottster is a digital shopping list with integrated price alerts that is available as a browser extension and as an app. Freya Oehle has been running the company of 12 team members together with Tobias Kempkensteffen since 2013 and closed 2 financing rounds.


Natalia Anna Irene Rizzi

Co-Organizor Startup Europe Week Florence

Half Italian and half Greek, Natalia has always been attracted by creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. During her master’s degree, she started working in the Italian startup ecosystem, collaborating with the crowdfunding platform GINGER, running with co-founders the first civic crowdfunding campaign in Italy.  Thanks to her deep passion for international projects and entrepreneurship, last February Natalia became local co-organizer of Startup Europe Week in Florence, promoting international and local initiatives to foster entrepreneurship in her local ecosystem. Last November, she also took part to first stakeholder meeting of My-WAY Project, the European project aimed at enhancing and improving the collaboration and efforts of web actors in the startup ecosystem.

She is currently working in the accelerator Nana Bianca based in Florence and at the same time she is Brand Ambassador for the startup festival Uprise. She recently joined the EU-XCEL programme, the European virtual accelerator, in order to work and develop new startup ideas in the digital sector.


Hier findet Ihr mehr Informationen zu der Veranstaltung.


14. April 2016
17:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr



Wayra Deutschland GmbH, Kaufingerstraße 15, 80331 München Google Karte anzeigen