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Female Leadership & Entrepreneurship

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Female Leadership & Entrepreneurship


Women face unique challenges when progressing into senior leadership positions or founding their own company (scarcity of role models, scarcity of female peers that join forces against gender discrimination, societal bias, scarcity of support system for balancing job and family,…)
We NEED more women in leadership positions acting as role models and advocates, creating equal opportunities, financial freedom & security.
We NEED more women in tech entrepreneurship to innovatively tackle all the challenges (environmental, educational, medical,…) society faces today.


– The hallmarks, habits and secrets of great female leaders and entrepreneurs
– Tried and tested, cutting-edge techniques to overcome the challenges faced by women leaders & entrepreneurs
– Building greater confidence and bridging the confidence gap (in presentations, negotiations, other situations..)
– Leadership Assessment – Discover your very own leadership & entrepreneurship profile (strengths, challenges)
– Leadership Exercises – Become the (entrepreneurial) leader you want to be!
– Learning Transfer – Writing your own Personal (Entrepreneurial) Leadership Mission Statement

We offer a space for women to come together and share their leadership or entrepreneurship experiences in a learning environment that has direct relevance and personal impact.


UnternehmerTUM GmbH is Europe’s leading Innovation and Business Creation Center. We solve real-world challenges through innovation (cleanTech, medTech, smartCity, AI,…) turned into scalable tech start-ups.

The Startup Human Resources Program is part of UnternehmerTUM’s holistic offer. We help future-focussed & entrepreneurial-minded individuals with all matters HR. (Entrepreneurial) Leadership is one of our most cherished and relevant focus topics: you can book us as 1:1 Coaches, Workshop Organizers or Interims HR/ Leadership Managers.


14. November 2019
18:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr


Zur Website


ATLAS Werksviertel München, Rosenheimer Str. 143, München Google Karte anzeigen