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Disrupt Meetup: The Future of Mobility - Effect on Blockchain and Insurtech
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Disrupt Meetup: The Future of Mobility

Disrupt Meetup: The Future of Mobility – Effect on Blockchain and Insurtech

Enhanced transportation, self-driving cars, and blockchain are all important for the mobility of the future. This meetup discusses the potential implications of blockchain and self-driving technologies in the ridesharing industry. What new payment models will emerge? Will we cease to own cars? Will it be illegal to drive as a human? How many cars would be needed?

Join our first Disrupt Meetup of the mobility and blockchain community in Munich. It aims at bringing together blockchain enthusiastic enterprises and individuals that want to get to know the technology, as well as understand how it can be used and applied.


The Future of Mobility – Effect on Blockchain and Insurtech


19:00h – 19:30h: Entrance
19:30h – 19:40h: Introduction
19:40h – 20:00h: Will Car Ownership be a Thing of the Past?
20:00h – 20:10h: Discussion and Q&A
20:10h – 20:30h: How Many Autonomous Cars are Needed to Supply Munich?
20:30h – 20:40h: Discussion and Q&A
20:40h – 22:00h: Get together

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28. Februar 2019
19:00 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr


Disrupt Network
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