© Best of Munich

Best of Munich geht in die 2. Runde

We’re going into our second year and are looking forward to the next 10 great finalists – the Best of Munich 2015. Again we’re supported by all of Munich’s finest startup instititutions.

Best of Munich is the champions league of Munich’s startup competitions. It creates a common ground for all members of Munich’s entrepreneurial scene: startups, network institutions, universities, VC’s and business angels. Each of Munich’s most influential entrepreneurial institutions nominates up to three candidates to win the title of Munich’s Best Startup. Furthermore any Munich based startup can join the competition by applying for a public wild card.

Why Best of Munich?

The Bavarian capital is one of the most attractive cities for entrepreneurs in Germany. Munich provides the best conditions for success.

As the capital of the strongest economic region in Germany it has the highest number of startups per capita nationwide, some of Germany’s best universities and five DAX companies.

There is no other area with a higher number of startups who are still in the market after five years. With Best of Munich we aim to increase the nationwide visibility and connect the most promising startups and biggest players of the entrepreneurial scene.

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