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TechFounders gewinnt Siemens und Munich Re als neue Industriepartner

Ein Beitrag von UnternehmerTUM | Neues aus unserem Netzwerk

TechFounders expand the list of potential cooperation partners for their startups with Siemens and Munich Re. This way, teams that participate in TechFounders‘ three-month accelerator programme have additional opportunities to develop their business further. Besides the existing partners, BMW, Bosch and Festo, now also Siemens and Munich Re support startups with mentorship, technology and real-life scenarios to test new innovations within TechFounders‘ programme.

„We believe in innovation“

The new industry partners are excited about this cooperation: „We believe in innovation. It’s our DNA. That’s why startups are important to Siemens – they provide a window to the future, new technologies, and new business models. The TechFounders initiative aims to bring this mutual benefit to a new level“, says Siegfried Russwurm, Member of the Managing Board at Siemens.

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