© Startup Weekend

StartUp Weekend Munich: Ein Rückblick mit Find the Bear

Ein Beitrag von Strascheg Center for Entrepeneurship.

Die Sieger des diesjährigen Startup Weekend heißen Find the bear. Carmen hat das Gewinnerstartup an jenem spannenden und ertragreichen Wochenende mitgegründet und ihre Erfahrungen noch einmal zusammengefasst:

Startup Weekend Munich_01

Startup Weekend is not really a competition. It’s a human experience on learning how to make collective creativity work (and make some cool friends along the way). The less you think about winning or losing and more about learning, the more rewarding it will be. At least that was the story of how Find The Bear (overall winner of Startup Weekend Munich 2015) was born. It was a messy, yet absolutely immersive and joyful labor…

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